Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hi. I like to go by Mend, i have another blog that i do that is just about stuff in my life. Check it out if you want . I am really into doing hair, mostly dying, but it would be interesting to get started on cutting hair, no one trusts me though. I don't really want to do college just to do something that you just need to do enough times to get the practice and knowledge you need for it. But maybe later on i might....depends on if people think i have a future in doing hair.

So only a few people have let me do their hair in the past, i wish i got pictures of them so i could post them on here to show people my work. For now i'll be posting what i've done to my own hair until i am able to do other people's hair and get pictures of them.

I am willing to try and answer questions people might have for doing hair, or just about me and/or my hair. Send any questions through comments on here, or feel free to e-mail me at . I will try to answer any questions the best i can, and i will try to reply to the e-mail and add a post on here with the questions asked so other people can view the questions and answers.

So this blog will be about hair coloring and styling, when i post a picture i will try my best to explain how to do the color and how to do the cut of the hair, and i will try and remember product names.

Hope you enjoy my blog.

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