Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dark Pink Hair

After the pink hair, found here, was starting to fade, my mom went to Hot topic to buy me some dye. When she got there they didn't have Special Effects Cupcake Pink anymore, so i just had my mom buy the other pink they had, Special Effects Atomic Pink. It turned out that the pink was darker than what i had been using, which in the end, i loved it. I think it started to become where i need two bottles of dye to do my hair because it was getting so long. I tend to keep my hair short, but i keep wanting to grow it long again. Special Effects dyes tend to rub off on stuff, so my pillow was turning pink and part of a poster that was just above my bed that my head was sometimes on, the Avril poster in the background of the picture.

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Pink Hair

So once i got bored with having blonde hair, found here, i decided to do pink, i barely remember what my reasoning of doing pink was. So i had gone to hot topic and picked out Special Effects Cupcake Pink, i still had some Special Effects Nuclear Red left, so i was trying to have blonde hair with pink and red streaks, but i forgot to put something on the blonde to keep the dye from bleeding onto the blonde, and doesn't help that Special Effects tends to bleed a lot, but lasts a long time. So it looked really weird for how it looked, so i had my mom help me put the pink through out all my hair. So in the end i ended up with pink hair with some redish streaks. Wish i had more pictures of this Pink...

I still hadn't cut or styled my hair or anything while i had it this pink.

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Blonde Hair

So after i did red bangs, found here, i felt like going blonde for a while. It took a few tried to actually get my hair blonde, my mom was helping me with my hair, and missed a spots so we had to fix it. I was letting my hair grow, so i hadn't really done much with the styling. Though it was long enough to put up into a half ponytail, that's how i had it in the picture.

I used Herbal Essence Bleach Blonde. Which it works great on dark hair, i've had a friend tell me that it didn't work that well on her hair, but it's worked great on my hair and i've used it on a few friends and it's seemed to work well on them. So i recommend it.

Any questions, leave a comment or e-mail me at

Red Bangs

Parted in the middle.
Parted at the left side
To show off the tinted hair.

After i had the blonde bangs for a while, blonde bangs here, I went with a friend who got her hair done( i could make comments about how lame her hair turned out, but i won't) and i was making comments about how i tried to do green bangs, but failed(i might have a picture somewhere). So the stylist said that if i call my parents and ask, she would dye my bangs for me, for free! So i called and they said it's ok, so i had a few colors i pick out of, i think they were red, blue, and green....i don't fully remember. So i went with the red and got them done.
After they were starting to fade and my roots getting longer, i went to hot topic to buy red dye to redo it. I used Special Effects Nuclear Red. After a while of doing just the bangs red, i felt like trying to tint my hair, since the bottle was saying that it tints dark hair. So the last picture i posted shows how well it tinted the dark hair.
I didn't really do any styling of this hair, though i do remember getting it cut once where one side was shorter than the other side, like it wrapped around and once it got to the other side of my head, it went at an angle getting my bangs were the longest part of my hair, i don't have any pictures that shows that hair cut.

Any questions, leave a comment or e-mail me at

Blonde Bangs With Brown Hair

So i added the blonde bangs sometime while i still had it cut like the brown hair post, found here .

So the back of my hair was still pretty short, but i was trying to grow it out. I had tried to bleach the bangs before, but had failed badly. I am pretty sure when i did this i used Herbal Essence Bleach Blonde. I can't remember if that's what i used or not, but later on with hair i did, i did use that bleach. I never really styled this hair, it was just easy and looked good to not do anything to it.

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Short Brown Hair

So this is a really old picture of me, in this picture, i have my natural color, no there's no dying in this one.
How i have it cut is it's about an inch or two in the back and a little shorter than chin length on the front half. I guess some people call this an emo/scene hair....and sometimes people call it a Dyke cut, which i really hate it when people call it that.
I have sorta thick hair, so there wasn't much i could do for styling this cut. You are able to spike the back, using gel and/or hair spray. I can't go much into details of how to do it, because any time i had tried to, the hair wouldn't stay up, i might of used not that great of products or my hair just doesn't want to spike.

Any questions, leave a comment or e-mail me at


Hi. I like to go by Mend, i have another blog that i do that is just about stuff in my life. Check it out if you want . I am really into doing hair, mostly dying, but it would be interesting to get started on cutting hair, no one trusts me though. I don't really want to do college just to do something that you just need to do enough times to get the practice and knowledge you need for it. But maybe later on i might....depends on if people think i have a future in doing hair.

So only a few people have let me do their hair in the past, i wish i got pictures of them so i could post them on here to show people my work. For now i'll be posting what i've done to my own hair until i am able to do other people's hair and get pictures of them.

I am willing to try and answer questions people might have for doing hair, or just about me and/or my hair. Send any questions through comments on here, or feel free to e-mail me at . I will try to answer any questions the best i can, and i will try to reply to the e-mail and add a post on here with the questions asked so other people can view the questions and answers.

So this blog will be about hair coloring and styling, when i post a picture i will try my best to explain how to do the color and how to do the cut of the hair, and i will try and remember product names.

Hope you enjoy my blog.